The biggest reason why I do foot zoning is to help people become balanced and to feel better, I love helping others to feel like themselves again or better. Foot zoning helped me out so much during a time in my life when I was sick and lost. I want to help others out there that feel the same way. If I can help just a few people during the week to feel that relaxing state and to feel “normal” then my job is done because there are so many of us (foot zoners) out there trying to make a difference that every single zone we do becomes so much more in helping to realign everyone in their lives that it then in return helps the world become in balance.
I also teach terrarium classes and make terrariums, the reason why I do the terrariums with foot zoning it all comes down to an energy aspect: everything around us has energy, plants have a higher vibration and in turn helps the environment for my foot zoning and for creating terrariums. Terrariums help out with our living environment in our houses with cleaning the air and putting out a sensation of feeling at peace and love.
-Amanda Cockerill
Heal Your Body
Heal Your Mind
Heal Your Soul
Meet Amanda

Amanda Cockerill
Amanda Cockerill Owner of Inspire You LLC created in March of 2020. Amanda has been a Foot Zone Practitioner for 6 years now, and will be going back to school to become an instructor. She has grown a love for plants and the energy they give to us when we incorporate them into our lives. She hopes to bring more joy, peace, and balance through her foot zoning and terrariums.
Amanda graduated from Bonneville High School, and has lived in Idaho Falls all her life and wants to help make the community a better place for others that are like minded and strive to find joy in their lives just as foot zoning and terrariums have brought so much joy to her.
Our Services

Foot Zoning
Foot zones are a way to bring the body back into balance both physically and emotionally, it has many benefits from helping with better sleep, digestive issues, back pain, pelvic, hip, and sciatic nerve, pregnancy pains, PMS, detoxing, migraines/headaches, stress, anxiety/depression, balance physically and emotionally. The list could go on and on. I have seen so many amazing things happen to people that get zoned!

Terrarium Class
With the terrarium side we teach you everything you need to know on how to create your little masterpiece and then how to care for it when you take it home. We try to keep a variety of plants, containers, sand, crystals, marbles, rocks, and so on and so forth. I want to have everything you can dream of on hand!